心のリフレッシュ体験 Japanese Temple Experience

プログラムは2プラン。 ①<教育旅行:住職さんのお仕事体験> 又は ②<一般及びForeigners:輪数珠作り(Buddhist rosary)+写経(Sutra copying)体験(Experience)>
The Shingonji Temple is said to have been established during the Bunkyu year (1861~1864) by a riest named Kanjun.
The temples main image of Buddha is the statue of Fudomyoo and is not nomally exhibited.The wooden statue is 36 centimeter tall.
Although its author and the exact year of production are ot known,it is regarded as considerably old and is skillfully crafted.The statue is designated as an important ultural property of the city.
There used to be a gay quarter nearby and the temple with Fudomyoo was widely worshipped by the people in the society of geisha and others alike.
体験内容:①<対象:教育旅行ー住職さんのお仕事体験> 所要時間:約90分 お寺について/法話/輪数珠作り(お祓い)/写経

体験内容:②<対象:一般及びForeigners> 所要時間:約60分 お寺について/輪数珠作り(お祓い)/写経 for Foreigners(no interpreter) contents: ●making of Buddhist rosary (with purification) ●making a handwritten copy of a sutra

料金: 体験①<対象:教育旅行ー住職さんのお仕事体験> お1人 1,800円 最少催行人員:4名以上30名以下
料金: 体験②<対象:一般及びForeigners> お1人 3,000円 最少催行人員(minimum pax): 4名以上(over 4 persons)
集合場所(meeting place):眞言寺 船見町20−20
アクセス(access):JR函館駅から市電5系統にて終点「函館どつく」電停へ。下車後、徒歩10分。 tram stop Hakodate Dock (No.5 line bound for Hakodate Dock) 10 mins. walk after getting off the stop.
<ご予約必須 Reservation required>ご希望日の7日前以上 before 7 days
体験開始時刻:リクエスト start time: request
現地集合 meet there
キャンセルポリシー有り(Cancellation Policy: 1 day before・・50% on that day・・100%) ⇒ ここをクリック
休日:不定 Holiday: not fixed